How do you find a movie that you do not remember the title but only a description that sounds more or less like this: “You know that movie where there is that character, that actor does … there you remember … oh well, in short, together with that other end in this strange place and then there are a series of twists that I do not remember and boh, I did not understand, but in the end it was all a dream.
You understood what movie I say, right? ”
Without any doubt the answer to such requests for help is always a dry – and annoyed – “No” but on the other hand it is true that trying to remember the title of a film starting from fragmentary memories of the plot can be a ‘ absolutely desperate enterprise: the faces of the actors overlap, there is confusion between the various junctions of the film and the names of the directors are crippled us more impractical ways.
Could this end because a Finnish startup, Valossa, has created a site called What is my movie?in which it is possible to do research in a film based on textual strings, compulsorily in English.
In a nutshell, just enter a feature of the characters or a part of the plot to find the film that does not take the title. For example, if you type “almost naked warriors – almost naked warriors” you will end up as the first result 300, the highest example of hedonist action, not coincidentally sponsored by the American bodybuilders associations.
HOW TO FIND A FILM FROM THE PLOT: MERIT OF A STARTUP. La Valossa is a company connected to the University of Oulu and Whatismymovie? is not that the simplest and most basic application of research that the technical team is conducting in the field of automatic content recognition and analysis of video data: in all were analyzed almost 40 thousand different films that can be recalled just looking for elements of the plot, actors, directors involved or a mix of everything.
The experiment seems to have been very successful, as the startup that deals with artificial intelligence, algorithms and neurolinguistic programming has just announced that it has received 650 thousand euros from interesting investors to continue and exploit their research.
HOW TO FIND A FILM WITHOUT REMEMBERING THE TITLE: HOW IT WORKS WHATSINMYMOVIES. Now, however, let’s go back to the most pressing question: how to find the movie you only remember a few details but not the title? It is the site itself that gives some advice. Reaffirming the use of English, we are asked to include as much information as possible, even in a verbose way, including the names of actors or directors, but taking care to include them in quotation marks.
Once the search has been performed, a series of results will appear with the card of the various films that in some way should answer the question. There is a summary of the plot, and if you click on the poster you will find information about the cast, with a series of suggestions regarding similar films.
It is then worth noting that then there are four different categories of results that reflect the main elements considered by the What is my movie research system: these include general research, that based on titles, on actors and research defined as “traditional” (they are not give explanations about it, unfortunately). For every result there are also two buttons – good match and bad match – with which you can help the developers to refine the search and the algorithms connected to it.
We are sure that you have already been thrown headlong into a flood of experiments to see if the research system really works as promised: we think so, just limit yourself to the best known films without going to rummage in the underground.
FILM TO SEE: THE LIST OF TITLES NOT TO BE MISSED. If, instead, you are not looking for a title but a film to see, here are our tips!
- Moving films: our top ten
- Horror movies: the best of ever
- Movies of love: the great classics
- Teenage love films: the most beautiful
- Funny movies not to be missed